I’m mostly good at a lot of things.
No really, it’s true. If you don’t believe me, why don’t we make some blueberry pie while I knit you a scarf and crochet you a yarmulka and we can play a game of Scrabble while I play Minuet in G on the piano. I like a lot of things and I fancy myself both a quick learner and a pretty capable person.
But there’s nothing that I am super amazing, stupendously good at. I’m just mostly good.
Which is why it should come as absolutely no surprise to absolutely no one that I decided to take on yet another skill.
And so I am.
Designing a website.
I am building myself a photography website. From scratch. I am designing a logo. I am building something in flash. I am learning about thumbnails and galleries. I have been playing with fonts and symbols and watermarks. I now know too much about plugins.
I toss out things like
It’s super challenging, but ridiculous fun.Â
credit: Shane Black
I am not building this website because I am the most skilled photographer to ever be. I know this is untrue, and it will never be true. There will always be someone who is faster, better, braver, smarter. There will always be someone with better equipment.
And I’m okay with that.
But I’m pretty damn proud of myself for how far I have come with this little piece of machinery in, say, the last two years. I have taken classes, I have worked with other photographers, I have listened to podcasts, and done tutorials, and researched the heck out of things. I have trial-and-errored my way into actually knowing what I’m doing—most of the time. I have asked a million and one questions, and I keep asking them. I have learned a million and one things, and I keep on learning. Every day.
I’m pretty damn proud of some of the photos I have taken of my kids, of my friends, of my family using my good eye alone.
And because of this, I can take your photo. And yours. And yours over there. And even yours.Â
And so I’m going to do just that.
There is no place on earth I’d rather be than behind that camera. So I’m going to use it.
Just as soon as I can crawl out from beneath this mostly good code.
And just as soon as I have stopped trying to convince you myself that I’m only mostly good at photography and admit to you that I know—in my heart of hearts—that I actually am good.
Just good.
Not mostly anymore.