December 8 06

temper tantrum much? this is what happens in our house when Isabella gets tired. she gets cranky and angry. and everything is “no” but if you listen very carefully to the beginning, she very clearly says a very well-constructed sentence “I wah a cook-cook!” i’m so proud…


~voting off Jonathan was a big, big mistake. keeping someone that everyone hates around is excellent strategy. now, adam and parvati are still around to start stirring up trouble…and there’s trouble coming. i can feel it? maybe the three girls aligning together?

~i’m still hoping for a Yul and Ozzy final 2…but there’s no way that’s going to happen. grr.

~bwah. Jeff at the reward challenge: “Jonathan not even asking for permission.” also, i know i’m about 2 years old…but when he was talking about Ozzy and his pole, i was in hysterics. “Ozzy! doing it all with the pole” “Ozzy trying to get an idea of how much pole he has to work with!” “Ozzy’s got his pole together!”

~and Ozzy: “Big nut, isn’t it? Big ole nut!”

~anyone else completely un-surprised that it was Adam who got all weak in the knees over poverty’s injury? oh my god! blood! i can’t watch! too bad Nate wasn’t around to call him a nancy boy.

~seriously, watching Candice and Adam make googly eyesรƒโ€šร‚ย at each other makes me want to…makes me want to…um, throw up in Parvati’s face! he.

I have to give a serious shout-out this morning to two of the loveliest ladies i know. Beth of So the Fish Said and Di of Di’s Book Blog sent me my medicated chapstick. 9 tubes between them. my lips will forever thank you two! mwah!

come on over to Fabulous and say hi while i take you back to Chrismukah 2000. one i will always remember.

  1. Isabella is delicious!! And what a great great sentence!! Yeah!

    Comment by Sarah on December 8, 2006
  2. That’s what tantrums are all about. Communicating and learning to communicate. She is getting it. I am proud of her too.

    I also love that you follow her around with the camera…giggling. A girl after my own heart.

    Comment by Janet a.k.a Wonder Mom on December 8, 2006
  3. There have been many days when I feel exactly like Isabella did in that video, but I’m not nearly that articulate.

    Comment by Mrs. Chicky on December 8, 2006
  4. Isabella sure knows what she wants!

    Comment by Gina on December 8, 2006
  5. This is where my brain is at 11:52 in the morning. I thought the title of your post was Isabella wants a COCKTAIL!!!!

    Comment by Di on December 8, 2006
  6. Your daughter is gorgeous, even in the midst of her cookie-less woes! Too funny ๐Ÿ™‚

    Comment by Trish Ryan on December 8, 2006
  7. She’s such a beauty.

    Comment by Stacie on December 8, 2006
  8. Just wanted to say hi. I have been reading for about a month. The baby melts my heart.

    Comment by Dawn on December 8, 2006
  9. Do you realize you spelled Parvati “poverty” in the 5th paragraph of your Survivor recap? FUNNY! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    You’re so right about Jonathan. Big mistake. But, I can’t say I’m that upset about it. He was really getting on MY nerves — never mind theirs….

    ISABELLA IS TOO ADORABLE! I love that video. I was laughing out loud — with you — while I was watching. The monkey throws great temper tantrums, too…. Lots of screeching and banging of things.

    Comment by haley-o on December 8, 2006
  10. Oh, she’s funny. I have an Isobel and, funnily enough, she does the same thing when she doesn’t get what she wants. Must be the name.

    Comment by julia on December 8, 2006
  11. She is so cute!! They are too funny when they throw a fit. Laurel just throws herself on the floor in full drama queen style. You can’t help but laugh.

    Comment by Mandi on December 9, 2006
  12. Isabella is so cute. How could you get mad at a sweet funny fit like that. You are in for some trouble when she gets older … so adorable.

    Comment by Sunshine Scribe on December 9, 2006
  13. It would be hard not to give that cutie a cookie!

    Comment by Mommy off the Record on December 9, 2006
  14. Heeh! Isabella is way to cute.

    I love your blog by the way. I haven’t been here before… I don’t think. I’m hooked now. I shall stalk you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Comment by Jennifer on December 10, 2006
  15. I really liked Jonathon but Ozzy oh Ozzy is really HOT! And those pretty boys (adam) Hello can never handle that kind of stuff!
    PS your babe is too cute!!

    Comment by mommywindow on December 10, 2006
  16. I LOVE the foot stomping at the end! Poor little thing. So cute.

    Comment by Jen on December 10, 2006
  17. She is the poster child for a cookie ad. Did you cave and give her the cookie? Mean Mummy…

    Present for your sister? A date with pedicures, just you two chatting it up and getting your toes pretty…

    Comment by anne/crazymumma on December 10, 2006
  18. Oh Isabella! I want cookies too.

    All the good stuff is the States! Glad you got hooked up and that your lips will be lucious thoughout the long Canadian winter.

    Comment by something blue on December 11, 2006
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