Monthly Archives: December 2013

Ten Books In Ten Minutes

Congratulations to me, I was the last person on earth to be tagged in the Facebook Book Meme! (Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays to me. I’m an equal opportunity celebrator around here.) Now, I’m not one to typically play Facebook memes. You won’t catch me going to some random…


Do bears actually hibernate or is that one of those urban legends like Richard Gere and the butt gerbils and that $250 Neiman Marcus chocolate chip cookie story? Well, either way, I would like to make hibernation a thing for humans, especially this human right here. Yesterday, whilst minding my…

The Curious Case Of The Child Monsters: A Sibling Rivalry Tale

I often wonder how my children will remember me. If I had to venture a guess it would be something in the ballpark of that shrew who constantly nagged and begged us to be kind to one another, but made a real mean grilled cheese sandwich. Because it’s true. I…