Monthly Archives: December 2013


More sleep. Less Candy Crush. That was my very honest answer when someone asked me if I have any New Year’s resolutions. Sometimes I make resolutions that stick, like not letting my gas tank get down to less than empty and unsubscribing from so many store emails. I did those,…

Some Very Young…Obsessors

I had an obsessive personality even as a wee tot, and being a Nutcracker-performing ballerina who always loved photography, it only makes sense that I become emotionally invested in this photobook called A Very Young Dancer, which followed the story of a young ballerina inĀ George Balanchine’s School of American Ballet…

On Making Friends

I am lonely. I’m not alone, of course. Just lonely. When I was in school, making friends was easy. Elementary school, high school, university. You spend the majority of your days with others and you just naturally find your people. You find the friends to commiserate with, to work on…