February 9 10

At least three of four times a night, I hear the pitter-patter of Bella footsteps. She is very sneaky and climbs up at the end of the bed and shimmies her way up to snuggle beside me and whispers sweet nothings in my ear.

“When I wake up can we go to Chuck E. Cheese?”

It’s always the same. It’s always about The Chuck. The lovely cesspool of child germs and family norwalk virus. Also, her favorite place on earth. So, I do what any awesome half-asleep  parent would do, I lie.

“Yes, baby. As soon as you wake up, we can go.”

And she skips back to bed, willingly and quickly falls back into a gross pizza, giant mouse, crusty token slumber, no doubt.  I almost feed badly about lying to her. Almost.

Last night, though, when she showed up at my side at 3:07am, she had something different to say.

“Mama. I’m scared.”

“What are you scared of, boots?”

“The burning bush.”


“You know, that dude? The one in the dress?”


“Moses! Remember him, Mama? From the movie? the tree is on fire? And then there’s that scary voice? I’m scared that will happen to me. That I will see the fire and hear the scaaaaaaary man.”

and then I remember. I also giggle a little. Because it’s not the first time I’ve written about one of my daughters and the burning bush…*fire bush* *snicker*

Thank you, Jewish Day School tuition for scarring my child with The Prince of Egypt.

My child is terrified of God.


But at least she didn’t ask about going to Chuck E. Cheese.

  1. LOL! I also know the torture of “The Chuck” but thank GOODNESS the nearest one is 2.5 hours away so I have never actually been subjected to it. (The conversations were bad enough though!) xo

    Comment by Loralee on February 9, 2010
  2. When I lived in CA and would come home to visit, I would take my nephew to Chuck E. Cheese. It wasn’t too bad in the middle of the day on a Wednesday in the summer.

    And then 2 years ago, we had my nephew’s birthday there on a Saturday with like 17 other birthday parties and I lost my shit! I vowed never to go to a Chuck E. Cheese again.

    Also, I’m still laughing at “you know, the dude in the dress?”

    Comment by Kristabella on February 9, 2010
  3. Tell this story, and no child will ever want to visit Chuck E Cheese again:


    Comment by muskrat on February 9, 2010
  4. The rebellious Catholic all-girls’ school girl in me is kinda loving that she called Moses “that dude”.

    Comment by Nenette on February 9, 2010
  5. If anything, once a child has been to Chuck E. Cheese, a burning bush should be child’s play to them.

    Comment by steenky bee on February 9, 2010
  6. my friend and i decided to go to chuck e. cheese in an attempt to relive our childhood (i was pregnant with #1 at the time)… some pizza/snot crusted kid actually brushed my friends hair out of her face when she bent down to get her tickets… *shudders*

    20 bucks later we had enough tickets for some fun dip…

    we left and went straight to bath and body works in the mall across the street where we took advantage of the sample hand sanitizers and smeared it on every exposed bit of skin

    i hope my children never ask to go there!

    Comment by Maile on February 9, 2010
  7. Meh; fear, worship… it’s all the same thing, at least according to the Old Testament/Torah.

    Comment by SciFi Dad on February 9, 2010
  8. Dude. The Ten Commandments was SO my favorite movie growing up. I looked forward to every Easter when it was on.

    Comment by slynnro on February 9, 2010
  9. That is a really cute story and congrats on having your daughter skip back into her own bed! Wowser. In my house once they are up, then me or my hub have to either pull them into our bed or squeeze into theirs.

    And I love the name Bella. My oldest is Belle because Bella just didn’t work with my husbands last name!!

    Sadie at heyMamas
    .-= Sadie at heyMamas´s last blog ..Fourteen years =-.

    Comment by Sadie at heyMamas on February 9, 2010
  10. One benefit of life in a small town – No Chuck E. Cheese.

    As for that clip – my kids recently watched the Prince of Egypt and it skeered them too. She’s not alone.

    Comment by Angella on February 10, 2010
  11. LOL! Awesome.

    Also, I’ve never been to Chuck E Cheese…
    .-= Katie´s last blog ..No regrets, really? =-.

    Comment by Katie on February 10, 2010
  12. Stay away from Chuckie Cheese. That place made my 3 year old niece became exorcist girl, eyes rolling, spitting, now that girl is 21 and we wish we had the fun on video.
    You have it hard enough with husband and daughter traveling, you are fragile. But remember to say NO to the mouse.

    Comment by Linda on February 10, 2010
  13. I curse Chuck, curse it. I’m shocked a burning bush is the issue, do they still have the robotic mouse?

    Comment by Jacki on February 10, 2010
  14. […] « Princess of Egypt […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » Morning: A Portrait on February 11, 2010
  15. Secretly I managed a Chuck E Cheese for way too many years. I have copious amounts of CEC stuff if you want any of it! I use to “Collect” it thinking I would make a CEC room for my kids one day but it turns out the sight of it makes me want to puke now!

    I’ve got some of the art work from the walls, a ton of the stuffed animals and soo much more!

    Comment by LovingDanger on February 11, 2010
  16. I went to Chuck E Cheese for my 27th birthday. True story. http://www.flickr.com/photos/avitable/sets/72157601307206596/

    Comment by Avitable on February 11, 2010
  17. […] I had no idea that her biggest fear in life would be the burning bush. Yes, the god one. […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » Her, Bellezilla on August 16, 2010
  18. […] Me: I wasn’t laughing at you, babe. Yes, I remember your nightmares. […]

    Pingback by » Dogma. Cheaper Than Therapy on July 18, 2011

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