I don’t even know what this means, but i remember reading it somewhere and getting a good laugh out of it.
Well…regardless…i’m wet. i sure am happy that i blew my hair dry this morning…(and, yes, that was sarcasm, in case you weren’t able to pick up on that..) I don’t think it has stopped raining here all summer. Every morning i worry about how Emily’s going to get to camp. I hate thinking that Jhoanne (our godsend of a nanny) would have to walk with both kids in the rain.
One would think, after all this rain, that i would have the smarts to keep an umbrella close by. But, sadly, no…i’m just not that smart. I left the house this morning, in the pouring rain, mind you, without an umbrella. i was fortunate enough to have left my jacket in the car (from the last time it rained…um yesterday…).
And i swear, i thought I was going to die on my way to work. the rain was coming down so hard – in sheets – that i could barely see the lights on the car in front of me. Thankfully, though, i made it to work in one piece.