I finished watching season 2 of Lost last night. jesus, this show is fantastic. even if people have the habit of saying, “oh, you’re watching Lost? Has Ana Lucia died yet?” um, no, she hasn’t. asshole. but thanks for ruining that for me. even the husband is a ruiner…”oh, i read somewhere that Charlie makes a reprisal in season 4…” um. thanks. now i know that Charlie dies. anyone else want to tell me who dies in season 3??? anyone? anyone? The good news is that in a couple of weeks days, when i’ve finished watching season 3 (hooray for torrents!), i’ll be all caught up…and ready to start season 4….in fuckin’ January. bah.
i’m sending my kids to a new school this year. which means….new school, new carpool, new teachers, new friends, new moms. it’s all new for us. i’m really happy about the switch. it took exactly one minute of me being inside that building for me to know. the school is perfect. and it screams academic excellence (and i’m a big ole’ nerd like that).
it was a big deal when i decided to switch them from their previous, more religious school, to this new one. friends took it personally, actually got angry. but this is what’s best for my family. where i can be myself (remember when i got ripped a new one in the parking lot for daring to wear pants at pickup??!). where my kids can be themselves and be around other kids who are, well, more like them.
tonight i have to take Emily to this first grade (oh, excuse me, grade one) parent-child bbq thing. She’s all excited about it, already, at 6:15 this morning, picking out her outfit and how she wants to wear her hair.
I, on the other hand, am freaking out. you’d think that i was the one starting a new school. it’s all about me, folks. my kid? she’s easy. everyone like Emily. i sent her to a new camp and she made 100 best friends instantly. she talks to her counselors, high school kids, on the phone, on a regular basis (no, i’m not kidding. she’s actually FRIENDS with her counselors). she’s going to do GREAT. but me? what if the other moms don’t like me? what if we have no one to sit with? what if i’m not wearing the right thing? what if i don’t know what to say?
i guess at the very worst, i know that Emily will be my friend.