Nothing says happy friday like a lovely case of the swine flu. Oh yes, it started last night while watching the news about Michael Jackson, which, sadly, had me thinking…he sure stole Farrah Fawcett’s thunder, eh?
At first I thought it was just my mind messing with me/moveanxiety because we are moving in 17 days (oh my hell WE ARE MOVING IN 17 DAYS) and I only just picked up 15 boxes from Rutesh at work yesterday. and then I thought it could be dehydration from getting sunburned twice this week.
On Tuesday I went down to Dundas Square with my bestie Tova, which, ps, is starting to look exactly like Times Square, to go to McDonald’s Summer Style Luncheon to help promote their line of 4 new salads.
The event included FREE SALADS and a fashion show, hosted by Lisa Rogers from Cityline, Project Runway Canada contestant Lucian Matis (love!) and Kavi Kavi.
(and sunburn #1)
and it was after seeing this…
that prompted me to temporarily lose my mind go to Old Navy to try on maxi dresses.
But, no, it’s the FLU. It started with the chills. and the aches. and the fever. and THE SWEATS. oh my god, the sweats. and then I was pretty sure my entire face was going to fall off. I’m still pretty sure my face is going to fall off.
So, while I’m trying not to fall asleep at my desk, or sweat through my tshirt, I’ll leave you with this…a promise I made many moons ago. You’ve gotten to see the Joey Jeremiah hat and the perm, and you’ve gotten to see the farmer’s tan and the Amish-style braid/vest number
now, you get to see the FLANNEL. (and avert your eyes from the oversized glowing RED socks!)
oh dear god.
I rocked giant flannel shirts for a good TWO years. oh yes I did. This picture was taken in camp, circa, um, I don’t even know? 10th grade? 9th grade? In school we had A DRESS CODE that required our knees to be covered with skirts, so I rocked this look (picture it in your mind AND STOP LAUGHING) concert t-shirt (pearl jam, stp, smaching pumpking, nine inch nails) underneath a giant plaid flannel button-down on top of a floor-length straight jean skirt and giant Dr. Martens steel-toes boots.
oh yes, high school was a sexy, sexy time for me.
and who says flannel is just for giant shirts? oh no! I even owned flannel shorts.
I don’t know what’s funnier about this picture…the fact that I am out taking touristy pictures in front of Mount Rushmore in what appears to be the same thing I slept in…or the awesome leather, biker dude taking touristy shots of his own?!
(where was a site like this when I needed it?)