this is my purse. Aldo. $30. love. (hello, rememberance day poppy!)
these are the contents of said purse.
wallet, water bottle, la senza gift card for $20 (courtesy of Erica Ehm), prevacid acid pills, hat and mittens, motorola charger, work ID badge (with the very worst photo of me ever taken), a box of business cards, ipod touch, ipod earbuds, sunglasses, my Chorus Line ticket stub, ticket confirmation (for my trip to Edmonton), badge from the Today’s Parent Baby and Toddler show, pack of stride gum (the best!), a bakugan card and three bakugans, cell phone, sunglasses, shampoo and conditioner samples (from my hairdresser), 5 pens, starbucks card (from my husband), coupons from a store called Siblings (for Emily) antibacterial gel, bath & body works lotion, lip gloss, sweet and salty 100 calorie emergency bar, Mcdonald’s monopoly pieces, ticketmaster gift cards, crystal light singles (x3), RW&Co gift card, T-Mobile hotspot gift card (from Blogher), spoon from my lunchtime yogurt, facial scrub and lotion samples from Organic Evolution, my passport, usb 2gb thumb drive, Mcdonald’s gift cards and business cards, $10 check from my stepdad in US funds,
i am what you’d call DISTURBED. and a total slob.
* actually i totally just did