Remind me again why i live in this frozen tundra? it’s mornings like this when i can’t imagine how the first settlers (the ones who actually survived the first winter here) didn’t pack their belongings to find warmer pastures. Why on earth would one CHOOSE to live in a place this cold???
it’s so cold, folks. it’s that kind of cold when you walk outside and the snot inside your nose freezes. come on, you know what i’m talking about…now that’s pretty fucking cold. it’s the kind of cold where you don’t want to get out of your warm bed. you want to drink hot chocolate and snuggle with your blankets all day.
needless to say, that is NOT what i’m doing today. i drove carpool this morning…which is always a joy. my carpool kids, Eli and Shira, are sweet kids. but they are incredibly slow-moving, like slugs. and now, i’m at work. attempting to defrost. cripes, i’m cold.
i did wear knee-high wool socks underneath my cords this morning. i take great satisfaction in the fact that my legs are super warm, and no one has any clue how dorky i look 🙂