December 7 04

1. “250 strands of lights, 100 individual bulbs per strand, for a grand total of 25,000 imported Italian twinkle lights.”

2. “Aunt Clara had, for years, labored under the delusion that I was not only perpetually four years old, but also a girl.”

3. “Can we take a direct flight back to reality or do we have to change planes in Denver?”

4. “I can’t get the antlers glued onto this little guy. We tried Crazy Glue, but it don’t work.”
“Have you tried staples?”

5. “Keep the change ya filthy animal”

  1. 1. National Lampoon
    2. A Christmas Story
    3. I have no idea.
    4. I hate to admit it, but I cheated. I could even picture Bill Murray saying it but couldn’t get the name of the movie – duh!!
    5. Home Alone – my sister and watched that movie over and over for about 2 years!

    What? No Jewish Films? (lol)

    Comment by chisparoja on December 7, 2004
  2. 1) National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation

    2) Christmas Story

    3) ? but it sounds familiar.

    4) Scrooged

    5) Home Alone

    Comment by Sean on December 7, 2004
  3. i’ve got two quotes for ya Megan…they are from the same movie though…

    “Hey, Jelly Jugs, next time you’re on my court, you better wear a bra, okay?”
    “Don’t worry son, I think you have very nice boobs.”

    “They were giving out free lobster bibs in the bathroom.”
    “That’s not a lobster bib, Eleanore, it’s a germ protector for your tushy.”

    ha ha ha…this is one funny Chanukah movie!!!!

    Comment by Ali on December 8, 2004
  4. I didn’t see this movie, but I remember the first quote from the preview. Can I answer or is this a Megan only question?

    Comment by Sean on December 8, 2004
  5. Oh the heck with it.

    Eight Crazy Nights (from the lyrics to his Chanukka song).

    Comment by Sean on December 8, 2004
  6. hahaha!!

    you just couldn’t hold it in, huh, sean?!! lol! 🙂

    I never actually saw that! Adam Sandler is hysterical, though so I’ll have to check it out. (especially after that jugs quote – too funny!)

    Comment by chisparoja on December 9, 2004
  7. it’s actually a REALLY funny movie! i highly recommend!

    Comment by Ali on December 9, 2004

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