November 2 07

and who says Ali isn’t GREEN. i totally recycled costumes this year:




dude, i totally deserve a medal or something. (and next year, i swear, i’ll get them some real costumes)

who watched:

Survivor: Fantastic! funniest. tribal. council. ever!!! hahahaha. Jeff explaining to Jaime how the idol worked…and then shutting her “not as dumb as she looks” ass down. and then he threw it into the fire. priceless. hnoey, nobody could look that dumb. James makes me smile, especially when he says “one of those immunization things”

Grey’s Anatomy: “Did you only shave one of your legs?” Thank you Shonda for NOT making us watch the sex. What on earth is wrong with Alex? he’s low, sure, but that was unacceptable. Hahn makes me squee – “are you two a couple?”and “pretty and prettier” and the Monopoly! Meredith needs a better shrink than Cristina. seriously.

Heroes: Too much Claire. Too much Hiro. Too much Maya and her dead eyes and whiny little brother. boo. Monica is my new girl-crush; she’s totally badass with her ipod. and Mohinder was a total badass too. love when he has balls.

House: “Is your name 13?” House + Foreman makes me VERY happy. but damnit, i hate the by-weeks when no one gets voted off. Wilson got the best lines this week - “If I told you, you’d pick up my laundry”. also, House and the “Michael Moore was right, fight the power” was perfect.

Friday Night Lights: I didn’t feel bad for Julie for a single second when the Swede broke her heart; she broke the Seracen’s. (but it was nice to see her finally see the swede for the greasy little skeeze he is) words cannot describe how much i enjoyed Matt’s grandma giving the play-by-play during the game. love. coach is back!! Jason/Tim karaoke was good times, friends.

Come stop by Fabulous today. It’s Josh’s birthday. He’s FIVE. and a master of the one-liner. come on over and see his greatest hits.

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  1. That’s so awesome that they were willing to reuse their costumes :)! They all look so happy.

    I don’t like Maya on Heros, I find her very annoying and I don’t quite “get” the plot line there. Skylar FREAKS me right out too. I’m just waiting for him to explode one of these days.

    Comment by Multi-tasking Mommy on November 2, 2007
  2. Seriously, as a mother, I just want to hug Britney Spears.

    Comment by AndreAnna on November 2, 2007
  3. You are totally getting karma points for those awesome costumes.

    Comment by hello insomnia on November 2, 2007
  4. I don’t care how tired someone is, it’s never acceptable to only shave one leg.

    Comment by Stacy on November 2, 2007
  5. what? Britney may be pregnant with Mario Lopez’s baby?

    Comment by Laural on November 2, 2007
  6. I love the fact that the Darth Vader head is normal adult size!

    So, House. The best line of the week was calling the Mormon dude “Big Love”.

    Comment by Chris on November 2, 2007
  7. I saw so many guys going as dick in a box…funny

    I think Hahn is a great addition to Grey’s. I am still not buying any chemistry between Izzy and George (brother and sister…anyone). No sex, thank God!

    Comment by Cynthia on November 2, 2007
  8. kyle machlachlan is hilarious! what a great whats that about mario lopez and britney?!WTF! the kids costumes are so cute.especially joshs darth vader.

    Comment by LAVENDULA on November 2, 2007
  9. The one-leg-shaved thing kept me from needing to kill Izzie in that scene. And somehow I have to think Cristina “taking care of Mer” is the last thing Mer needs. Pretty & prettier — still LOL! Anyone get the feeling George is second guessing himself on leaving Callie…?

    Comment by Dawn on November 2, 2007
  10. Re: Britney. Tell me she doesn’t look like a drag queen in that picture. Her face is downright Man.

    Comment by KC on November 2, 2007
  11. If the costume fits, recycle! You have 363 days to come up with new ones.
    The only show of those I watch is House, and I watch it religiously.
    Thirteen needs to stay, the redhead needs to go.

    Comment by moosh in indy. on November 2, 2007
  12. I definitely agree about House and especially Grey’s Anatomy. I hate the way they toy with Alex’s character. They either have me loving him or loathing him. And the one leg shaved thing was the best!

    Comment by manda on November 2, 2007
  13. Dick in a Box! Bossy wants a redo Halloween so she can be that!!!!

    Hey, Bossy just found out she’s a finalist for Weblog’s Best Humor blog award. Come on over and cough up your vote. Gag.

    Comment by BOSSY on November 3, 2007
  14. I agree, Monica…good addition; Maya….weird!

    Comment by Mike S on November 3, 2007
  15. Your litle girls are sooo cute!

    Comment by beth on November 3, 2007
  16. how could you put that pic of britney up?
    ali I feel ill now.
    thanks a lot.

    Comment by lisa b on November 4, 2007
  17. Ok wait….hold the phone. First, I hear that Ashley Olsen & Lance Armstrong were getting busy the other night at a bar & know I read that Britney may or may not be pregnant with Mario Lopez’s baby?????

    The Saved By The Bell guy? No way!

    Comment by FENICLE on November 4, 2007
  18. I was laughing hysterically at that part on Grey’s Anatomy. Glad you stopped by!

    Comment by Stacy on November 4, 2007
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