Q1. Do you use the same brand and type of shampoo all the time? How about soap, toothpaste, and deodorant/antiperspirant?
i use the same brand of shampoo all the time – herbal essences. but i have about 5 different scents in the shower at the same time. i use whatever i grab first. i don’t use soap – i use bath and body works shower gel – and i vary my scent. always use crest toothpaste – mostly out of habit. and i always use secret (the click kind) deoderant.
Q2. Your fairy godmother appears and gives you one wardrobe-related wish. What do you ask for?
one wish? crap. that’s so hard. i’d probably wish for someone to dress me every day (and that person to pay for all the clothing as well)
Q3. If you could go back in time and rescue historical figures from untimely deaths, who would be among your potential rescuees?
another hard one. Anne Frank. Amelia Earhart. Charlotte, Anne, and Emily Bronte. Martin Luther King Jr.
Q4. Name five mundane things that give you a happy thrill.
the garden state soundtrack, desperate housewives, freshly baked cookies, really comfy socks, going up to pay for something and having them tell me its on sale, even though i was going to pay the higher price anyway.