Q1: Yesterday was Thanksgiving. Would you say you over did it or kept it in check when it came to stuffing yourself with food?
definitely did NOT overdo it. yesterday afternoon my hubby sent me this article so i decided that i wasn’t going to gorge myself. I said, going in, that i was going to have turkey (no gravy), sweet potato pie, and salad, and have pumpkin pie for dessert. and that’s exactly what i had – and i didn’t even finish the pumpkin pie. i enjoyed myself, ate the foods i wanted to eat, and didn’t feel like a heifer afterwards.
Q2: Earlier this week, Columbia Tri-Star Pictures released the first three seasons of Seinfeld on DVD. Have you ever purchased a season’s worth of a particular television show on DVD for yourself? If not, which television show would you most likely buy if it were released on DVD?
i have never bought any tv shows on dvd, although i’d buy a ton of them if i could. and i know that my stepmom got me the My So Called Life DVD on ebay :). i would love to own the Sopranos. or Entourage. or Once and Again – season 3. if they came out with Beverly Hills 90210, i would definitely buy that!
Q3: If you could wake up tomorrow morning speaking any one language fluently–in addition to English–which language would you choose and why?
ooh..i’ve love to be able to speak Italian. what a gorgeous language.
Q4: Do you feel there are any circumstances under which it’s okay for a professional athlete to enter the stands, other than to celebrate a victory with loved ones or fans?
not a chance. professional sports are spectator sports. fans have ZERO business on the field, ice, court etc.