Sometimes being a mom sucks.
(come on, insert your nod in agreement here. or your how-could-she gasp.)
you see, i’m a mommyblogger. and because i am one, i am able to tell the truth. those ugly little truths that people don’t talk about at mommy-and-me classes or in the park or at Starbucks.
6, 5, even 4 years ago, if you’d asked me, my life was perfect. i love baby vomit! but, you know what i love more than vomit? wiping asses! that’s good times right there. labor? easy. recovery? easier. nursing is great…what? the purple and bleeding nipples? no biggie, i tell you. sleeping? it’s totally overrated. who needs sleep? i have lots and lots and lots of sex! and it’s great!
when moms were with other moms, there was little complaining. instead, it was almost a contest of sorts. who was the BEST mom. who could take on more, and handle it all without a sweat. (because as you know, not only do real moms not sweat the small stuff, they don’t, in fact, actually perspire either.) we want other moms to think that we can do it all, and we can do it just as well as someone else…or even better.
but then i discovered this little place called the internet. where real moms can discuss real issues. things they would never say in an actual conversation. blogging comes with it a certain anonymity. i can come out and say that i hate playing barbies with my six-year-old because i know that there are other moms who will agree. i know there will be moms who won’t agree as well, but i don’t have to face them. i can rejoice in the fact that there are others like me, and that, hey, i’m not a bad mom because i enjoy sleeping through the night. and i’m not a bad mom because i take an occasional xanax. and i’m not a bad mom because my 22-month-old still uses a bottle (and a pacifier!)
mommyblogging is radical because it’s truth. and we women finally have a place where we can be raw and honest and we don’t have to hide behind this perception that we have to be June Cleaver or Carol Brady or Claire Huxtable. because Carol Brady had a nanny! (can you believe it! a nanny!) and Claire Huxtable had a job! a real life job! and you just know that if supermom June Cleaver had herself a little space in the blog-o-sphere, that she’d be dishing about the prozac and the bad sex and the i-just-don’t-know-what-to-do about Wally. she’d be bringing on the truth, for all of us to see, and shake our heads in agreement. because we’ve been there. we’ve all been there. and it’s always nice to hear that someone else has been there too.
this post is an official entry into MBT’s BlogHer or Bust contest.