January 15 07

remind me again why in live in Canada?

freezing rain. school closings (not my kids, of course). slippery roads. slllllllooooooooowwwww drivers. i DO NOT enjoy this. at all. especially because i’m at work. bah. i would have totally stayed home and worked from home and the library today if i wasn’t taking off thursday and friday to go to New York. yes, you heard that right. i’m off to NYC, baby. (if you click on over to Fabulous, i’ll be talking all about it later.)

yesterday we went to my inlaws for lunch. sundays are always days from hell. by the time i crash into my bed on sunday nights…i’m so tired i can’t even think straight. it starts in the mornings. the husband takes the boy to skating and to the butcher. i take the girls. drop emily at ballet and go food shopping with bella. i stuff her full off bagels to keep her entertained and happy. it usually works. then we pick emily up. this is all before 10:30 in the morning. are you tired yet?

anyway, between errands and chauffering the kids to and from various birthday parties…we had brunch at the inlaws yesterday, which was actually quite nice. my sister in law and brother in law from Montreal were in and we haven’t seen them since September. It didn’t feel like it was that long…but they haven’t seen Isabella walk or talk…two things she’s been doing for – um – ever.

My mother in law is adorable. she got herself her very first coffee maker. which, considering how many years she’s been married and how many cups of coffee she and her husband drink, surprised me VERY much. i didn’t think there was anyone in this world who didn’t own a coffee maker. anyway, so, she got this new coffee maker and she’s so excited about it, she’s almost giddy. (and she’s British…British women don’t use DO giddy. hee)

you walk into the house and she’s standing in front of it, pleased as punch…”can i make you cup of coffee? can i froth your milk for you?”  I could die, it’s so cute.

and here’s something else that could make you die from the cuteness….Isabella, my little porker, couldn’t wait until we were all sitting at the table to eat. no, ma’am. she wanted her pasta….and she wanted it NOW. she plopped herself down on the floor and had a field day.


  1. hehe
    cute photos

    Comment by Christie on January 15, 2007
  2. Our day for that nonsense is Saturday, but I feel your pain.

    Oh, and Bella is just too cute! My daughter loves to hang around and mooch bites of whatever I am cooking from the pot… she can’t wait for dinner either.

    Comment by Jeff on January 15, 2007
  3. Saturday is our running around day. Sunday is our day for staring at each other, wondering what to do. You don’t LOVE freezing rain? But it’s so… freezing rain-y! It’s crappy where I am today, too.

    Comment by Rebecca on January 15, 2007
  4. if you were a slacker mom like me, you wouldn’t have all of that craziness. You could just stay in bed all day on Sunday and have your minions wait on you hand and foot………*LOL*

    Comment by Iris on January 15, 2007
  5. Cute. As for Canada, I’m going to say the healthcare and easy access to good quality maple syrup.

    Comment by Chris on January 15, 2007
  6. LOVE THE PICTURES! That last one cracked me right up!

    That sounds like one CRAZY day! You need some me-time…. 🙂 I can’t believe you schlepped to work today. I bet it was empty, no? I’d have stayed home fashizzle (for sure…). 😉

    Comment by haley-o on January 15, 2007
  7. She’s a doll. =) And about the weather…I’m in Texas…and its HORRIBLE here right now. We aren’t even used to it…so its killing me. Ice…on ROADS? Who knew?? lol

    Comment by Anna on January 15, 2007
  8. She is cute, cute, cute, cute!

    Have fun in NYC … and ya why do we live here again?!?

    Comment by Sandra on January 15, 2007
  9. such a cutie! i do that when i’m hungry too. just *plop* on the floor and start munching away. the cats like it, ’cause the food is closer to them, so they think they have a better chance to munch.

    have a great time in new york!

    Comment by lara on January 15, 2007
  10. There’s just something abotu pasta on the floor!! My son likes it too!!

    Enjoy New York. I’m quite envious!!

    Comment by Naomi on January 15, 2007
  11. I’ve never been to New York so I can’t wait to hear all the exciting things you did when you get back! Have Fun!

    Comment by Mandi on January 15, 2007
  12. soooooo jealous
    have a blast in NYC
    and yeah I was tired by the time I read 10:30 never mind did it.

    Comment by lisa b on January 15, 2007

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