February 28 08

you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see my new shoes. because today i’m copping a squat over at the lovely Angella’s site, Dutch Blitz. I’m stamping some things with the official Ali stamp of approval. come stop on by and say hi.

  1. Since you clearly don’t have enough new material to fill your own blog, I’m tagging you to list seven strange things about yourself. There are rules, like trackbacking and whatnot, but I didn’t really follow them. You are supposed to tag 7 others though…I didn’t do that either.

    Irina’s last blog post..Seven things

    Comment by Irina on February 28, 2008
  2. Good old Urban Dictionary. Have fun!

    Comment by Huckdoll on February 28, 2008
  3. Finally, Someone that uses that word other than me and my mother.


    Kristine’s last blog post..Because Twitter only allows 140 characters and no pictures…

    Comment by Kristine on February 29, 2008

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