Category: the girl behind the screen


Yesterday I paid a visit to John the bicycle guy. I haven’t been on a bike since I was twelve years old—a red schwinn ten-speed. The “it’s just like riding a bike” expression? Well, it’s an expression for a reason. You really DON’T forget how to ride. So, John the…

Why I Don’t Wear Beige Undergarments

I’m—mostly—okay with my old lady tendencies. Other than the poor circulation part—I could do without the constant cold extremities part of basically being a senior citizen. I mean, think about it. I eat dinner at 5:30pm, you guys. Early-bird special? Don’t mind if I do! I yell at no one in…

Love Love Love

Honestly with the snow. REALLY? Snow. On April 27th. The funny thing is that this really should not surprise a single person who lives in the GTA. It’s always cold in April. Always. It’s around this time every year where complaints start coming in on Twitter to the tune of…