Honestly with the snow.
Snow. On April 27th. The funny thing is that this really should not surprise a single person who lives in the GTA. It’s always cold in April. Always. It’s around this time every year where complaints start coming in on Twitter to the tune of “OMG it’s soooo hot. Need air conditioning” and photos start popping up on Facebook and on Instagram of my friends—the smart ones who live in warmer climates—wearing shorts and tanks and, gasp, flip flops. And here I am, in sweaters and boots and coats and jeans. And my lovely summer dresses just hang in the closet, taunting me with their lovely lightweight fabrics and spring colors.
But, even though it’s not surprising, it still makes me want to punch this weather in the neck. Or at least stab is a little bit.
So, today, on this gloomy, snowy Friday—when I plan to stay inside where it’s warm and cuddle up to my DVR with last night’s Grey’s Anatomy and a steaming hot mug of coffee the size of my entire head—we are going to focus on THE GOOD. The things that are making me happy right this very minute:
Community does Law & Order. Impeccably.
Breakfast for dinner. Or lunch. Or breakfast.
This song. On repeat. There are no words for how much I love Schuyler Fisk…and not just because she was Kristy Thomas in the Babysitters Club Movie. I swear.
Good Mary Poppins auditions. (Fingers and toes crossed for Tuesday, when we find out if we will be buying carpet bags and umbrellas and learning to speak with an English accent.)
Girl Scout cookies.
Watching Bones from the beginning, for the very first time. How, seriously, have I never watched this before? (Also, my lust for Booth had forced me to go back and give Buffy the Vampire Slayer another shot, because obviously. And now I am almost done with season 3. And my friends seem satisfied.)
The Pacific version of 30 Rock’s Live Show—three words: ZU BISOU BISOU.
Friday night Shabbat dinners.
Smelling new tea flavors.
The 80-something+ comments on my Facebook stream yesterday re: 50 Shades of Grey. (Rest assured, there is a review in the works, complete with commentary about lip biting and Bella Swan.)
Roger Sterling takes an acid adventure and his vodka bottle sings. (Also, wait…is that Angela Chase’s mother?)
Beautiful Girls, the movie. (And the soundtrack.)
Loving Cher, without shame.
Crying during commercials, without shame.
Movie theater popcorn. For dinner.
The idea of living on a farm. Or just, you know, going off the grid and moving to some small town somewhere where we can buy a huge plot of land and a huge (affordable) house with a huge wraparound porch where I can sit and work remotely. Ah…dreams. Also, I need to get the heck off of realtor.com.
What do you LOVE right now?