Category: The Baby

Honest Mistake. They DO Both Start with THE

Isabella at almost six is growing like a weed. I kind of hate that phrase, actually, because weeds are the bane of my existence right now. We took Weed Man up on their offer when they knocked on our door and said, “Ma’am, would you like us to help you…

This is very TimPortant. Also, Now I Want Coffee.

Isabella says “becept” instead of “except.” She says “uppost to” instead of “supposed to.” She says “TimPortant” instead of “Tim Hortons.” This is all that’s left of my baby. These three things. She says them entirely wrong every single time and yet I cannot bring myself to correct her. And,…

The Sleep Training Project of 2011

I don’t know if you guys know this little fact, but my sister just recently moved to Australia. I know that you are the thinking the exact same thing that I am, “But ALI, how can she do this TO YOU?!” I mean, sure, she’s got a really great job…