so, i had a lunch date yesterday with two very important people, which, really is somewhat monumental because I never go out for lunch during the day. EVER. i really rarely leave my desk and teenytinycubicle at work…only for meetings and for peeing. and if you’ve ever read any of my tweets about the state of affairs in the bathrooms at my office…you most likely are thinking i shouldn’t even be getting up to pee. EVER. train your bladder, ali! fight the urge! (of course, all this talk of pee makes me, um, need to)
my lunch dates marveled at my ability to own a giant wallet that is filled with almost nothing. i had exactly $5.05 and about 87 cards. oh, and four free coffee tabs from Tim Horton’s. they scolded me for being irresponsible and not carrying around any cash with me.
so, i welcomed them to 2009, it’s a lovely place! it’s filled with debit cards and credit cards and bank machines and starbucks cards and tim horton’s cards and even gas cards. I don’t carry cash around with me because i don’t NEED to. it’s as simple as that. i think, personally, this idea of HAVING TO CARRY CASH is simply a mentality that was passed down from our parents’ generation; a generation where cash was a necessity.
i also have thoughts on how carrying a big wad of cash makes people feel powerful. or something.
having cash on me is more dangerous than not, i think. as someone who likes to spend money, if i have it, i spend it. i have had to stop with the table banking moves at group lunches where i pay with credit card (um, hello, AIR MILES!) and take the cash. because THAT cash? buys shoes, and necklaces, and jeans, and french fries. I AM A DANGER TO SOCIETY.
okay…well, i want to hear from you. how much cash do you have on your person at any given time?
also, i haven’t had a chance to go through all my pictures from fashion week yet (a girl has priorities, yanno. i had to watch America’s Next Top Model and pray that BushBabyAllison didn’t get the boot because i totally want her to win AND watch LOST because zomg LOST) (also, i have another show tonight…WITH INTERVIEWS! gah!) (also, i’m totally going to crash this weekend…fashion week + gym = TIRED AS FUCK and my inability to stop writing in all caps…so now i not only annoy you with my parentheses and my lack of caps at the beginning of sentences and my overuse of ellipses, now you get the ALL CAPS BECAUSE I’M ALL ABOUT THE EMPHASIS, YO!) but i can give you a little preview…please refrain from any comments about my pastiness. i already know how badly my poor, poor skin needs to see the sun.
(i assume that mystic tan isn’t a cash only establishment)
(i’m kidding. i’m not really a spray tan in a booth kind of girl)