Author Archives: Ali

Are You More??

01) Thinking that the way people typically write email/IM is fine or thinking that the way people typically write email/IM is atrocious and they should learn to write properly? i tend to think it’s pretty bad, but it’s email and as long as it’s not for business, and the other…

Lordy Have Mercy…

okay, i have to let y’all in on a little secret. Lynn, from the Amazing Race, works at my office. and he’s a SHE!! don’t tell anyone. but i saw her/him with my own two eyes!!

News from Ali Land…

~~my son stayed dry for yet another day. can i get a woot?! AND this morning he woke up with a dry pull-up and peed for about 1/2 an hour when he woke up. yay! ~~i love the new school policy that parents are only allowed to bring their children…