March 31 05

~~my son stayed dry for yet another day. can i get a woot?! AND this morning he woke up with a dry pull-up and peed for about 1/2 an hour when he woke up. yay!

~~i love the new school policy that parents are only allowed to bring their children as far as the gate in the morning. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE BUILDING. thank the lord. before, i had to bring Emily inside, take off her boots, her hat, her jacket, put on her shoes…it was a nightmare. now, i just drop her off at the gate, wave good-bye and then i’m on my way. i was almost at work on time this morning! 9:03!!

~~i wasn’t sorry to see miss piggy…oops…i mean Jessica Sierra go last night on American Idol.

~~I finally got the girl off of her Ella Enchanted fixation…but now she’s moved on to New York Minute.

~~I am seriously considering getting me one of these. i’ll try just about anything to go comfortable at night.

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