I am so busy these days that sometimes I don’t even have time to pee. It’s not even an exaggeration. I really don’t even have time to pee, which is not very good for someone who is an excessive worrier, because when I don’t pee…automatically I think, “well, now I’ll just wait for the kidney infection to set in. I’ve actually been so busy this week that I have forgotten to take my crazy pills and my stomach pills, which is probably a good thing because I have been so busy that I haven’t actually had time to fill my crazy pills and my stomach pills prescriptions. Again, not an exaggeration.
It’s all good stuff, of course, because, you guys, I got to talk to people from the Tudors this week. I mean, now I’m all oh, yes, that lovely Culpeper and that wife #5 Catherine Howard and I likethis. We go way back. All the way back to the beginning of last week. But, of course, I have done so many other things.
We went apple picking At Chudleigh’s with our friends in 95 degree heat and crazy winds.
I got to hear Isabella drop some of her very best Isabella-isms. Like, um, when she said, “Mommy, you know what we did? We swallowed the elephant crow!” And when I said, “WHA?” she responded with, “Oh yeah. That’s wrong. We followed the yellow brick road. Yes, that’s it.”
We taught our BFFs to play Settlers of Catan.
I got a makeover by an 8-year-old and a 9-year-old, and then I went to a sukkah party wearing said makeover.
I got to watch our kids act out the ENTIRE SCHOOL PLAY OF WILLY WONKA OMG.
I got to ride the subway again. And again. And again. And then again.
I got to drive our new car. AND GUESS WHAT? It’s automatic. Sigh. A dream come true for me.
I got to be a part of #UrbanSchmooze…which, once we figured out how to actually spell schmooze, was a training session for the UrbanMoms.ca bloggers and then a very, very tasty cocktail party with some of our favorite clients and people.
I put my kids on Spongebob Squarepants detox.
I did 850 loads of laundry.
I redid 4 loads of dishes that didn’t get cleaned in the dishwasher.
I did a photoshoot for my friend Yael’s two boys.
I ate way more pizza and half-baked brownies than I should have. But they were delicious. Also, I had never had eggplant on pizza before, and it was delish.
I heard a song on a promo for episode 2 of season 2 of Life Unexpected and became obsessed with the ONE LINE that they played in the promo and couldn’t, for the life of me, find the song. And then, after a good two hours of searching, I got it. And it’s even better than I could have imagined. And now it’s on repeat. Fingertip by Aqualung…in case you were wondering. (Please ignore the Team Jacob video. I’m so obviously Team Edward…but this was the only version I could find that wasn’t live and grumbled). SIGH. Isn’t it lovely?
SOOO, what have you done this week?? And would you like me to send Emily over to do her Willy Wonka rendition? I could use a break…