I am built with a geriatric internal thermostat.
I’m the one who wears cardigans in the office in the summer, even when the air conditioning is broken.
I’m the one who has to sport a jacket to walk past the refrigerated aisles in the grocery store.
I’m the one who likes to eat dinner outside in the backyard all summer long.
I’m the one who freezes in restaurants.
I’m the one who shivers all through movies.
I wear socks and flannel pants to bed, and I sleep curled up under a down comforter, even in August.
I drink my coffee hot, even when it’s 90 degrees outside.
I’m not much of a sweater; in fact, I can usually do 45 minutes on the elliptical and come off looking only mildly red in the face and only slightly sweaty under my boobs.
There are all kind of heat warnings in Toronto right now.
ZOMG! It’s 38 degrees*! Hide your children! Hide your wife! Hide your husband! Don’t go outside! Drink Margaritas! Visit cooling stations** Don’t send your kids to camp***!Â
*that’s 100 degrees to all of you non-Canadians
**Yes. Cooling stations. For real.
***You have got to be kidding me.
I’m the happiest I have been in months. I walk down the street with a smile on my face and a spring in my step and my cardigan in my hands. Yes. The 80-year-old+ crowd and I. We are enjoying this.