the strangest thing i have ever seen:
9pm. in our neighborhood. a couple, likely in their 60’s. sitting on lawn chairs. inside their open garage. in the dark. watching TV. possibly Oprah.
what? what? what?
i don’t understand. at first i thought teenagers..smoking pot possibly? but alas. no. these were grown adults. smoking nothing. but also…who hooks up a tv in their garage? with cable? and clearly a PVR, since it was 9pm?? explain this to me…PLEASE!
so, some of you may be under the impression that i was putting Canada down in my post on Friday. NO! this is not the case. i love Canada. i love the free health care. and the one-year maternity leave. and the Dean Blundell show on the edge in the mornings (i swear, i want to be one of the girls living with Todd for a week. seriously.) and Rent-A-Goalie. and obviously, i don’t need to express my love for Tim Horton’s. (yes, i’m angry about not winning anything in the roll-up-to-rim contest, but i still love my Tim’s. oh. yes. i. do) and Feist. and Emily Haines. and Arcade Fire. and hello, LULULEMON! i love the Beer. and the Beer Store. i love hockey night in canada. and Smarties. yum. i love corner gas. and lick’s. and Degrassi. i love ketchup chips. i love Aero bars. and Coffee Crisp. and i love Jacob. and RW&Co
and the bloggers.
and the BEAVER!
just NOT the bell beavers because they are irritating
..almost as irritating as Celine Dion…
i do really love Canada, i swear. it’s just funny that i’ve lived here for 11 years…and i’m still so very American. a fish out of water, if you will. (you can take the girl out of the US…you just can’t take the US out of the girl…)
i’m not putting down Celsius…i just still can’t think that way. i’m not putting down spelling favourite with a “u”…i just can’t think that way. haha. and this one REALLY gets me, especially as an editor…i will write “i put an herb in my soup” because i say “erb” and canadians will write “i put a herb in my soup” because they say “herb”
but Poutine?? i can’t eat it. sorry. i don’t think i could ever eat anything that has CURDS.
because you have to draw the line SOMEWHERE. and i draw it at cheese curds…even though i was born in Wisconsin…