April 29 08

i’ve spoken before about how the husband and i have zero sympathy for each other as far as our hands go.

i have tendonitis. in my right hand. there’s things i can’t do. like put on my bra and open jars.

he has a broken bone. in his right hand. there are things he can’t do. like take off my bra and open jars.

we are certainly a sight when we are trying to open the pickles. “you do it, i can’t” “no, you do it, i can’t” it’s a good thing we each get a new one of these in our chrismukah stockings each year

i am in pain. the gear shift on the car. putting my contacts in. undressing. dressing. opening water bottles. carrying anything. lifting Isabella onto the toilet. wiping her ass. taking her off the toilet. all of it hurts.

he is in pain, too. i mean, seriously, there a bone broken inside his hand. OUCH.

so, there are things that are very difficult for him to do as well. but you see…we’ve been down this road before. exactly two years ago. he had the EXACT same surgery. on his OTHER hand.

two words: HOCKEY. INJURY.

so, now he gets to have a matching scar on his right hand. In some ways, i’m a little bit envious. He gets to go in today…get it taken out…get a week’s worth of percocets and a week’s worth of sympathy from his doting wife. but most of all, he gets RELIEF. at the end of this whole process, his hand will get better. while i will continue to strain to take my shirt off every night. while i will have to sit and watch tv with my ice pack on my wrist. and i will have to continue to do my exercises and visit Paul the Physio.

seriously, though, please please please send your good vibes to the husband this morning. and wish him luck with his surgery!! the good news, of course, is he won’t have any hook of hamates left to break. he’ll have to come up with an entirely new hockey injury!

also, wish a happy birthday to my bestie Tova!

she left me for three weeks to go to Florida (the nerve!) and came back with a gorgeous new wardrobe (the nerve, again!) and a hot new haircut (the nerve, thrice!) but she came home just in time for us to celebrate her 21st 30th birthday with her

(hello, alicleavage!) 


  1. Does he get to be awake for the surgery, or will they give him a general? I don’t know if I could stomach being awake and potentially seeing it. (My ankle was done with me lying on my stomach so I couldn’t see it, but listening was gross enough.)

    Enjoy the percocet; lucky bastard.

    SciFi Dad’s last blog post..SFD: The Requisite Car Post

    Comment by SciFi Dad on April 29, 2008
  2. wishing lots of luck for surgery to your hubby.

    oh .. and as one who suffered YEARS of tendonitus in my shoulder (front near arm pit) I TOTALLY feel for you, it is soooo painfull. I got it from riding horses (jumping competitions .. horse pulling lots.. ouch), and it truly only went away when after 25 yrs of riding, I took a break for 2 yrs. So .. not sure if that is all that much help for you. But ice.ice.ice. .. can’t say enough about frozen peas!

    Comment by Sarah on April 29, 2008
  3. Good luck to the hubby!! And maybe you’ll luck out and there will be extra percocets for you 🙂

    Josie’s last blog post..Hodgepodge

    Comment by Josie on April 29, 2008
  4. Good Luck!

    Holly’s last blog post..The River Wife: A Review and a Little More

    Comment by Holly on April 29, 2008
  5. Happy 21st Birthday Tova!

    Jen Maier’s last blog post..When your husband looks hot 😉

    Comment by Jen Maier on April 29, 2008
  6. Praying right now that the surgery goes well!

    Happy Birthday to Tova!

    Also. Sweet cleavage 😉

    Angella’s last blog post..I Hate This Stage

    Comment by Angella on April 29, 2008
  7. Luck. He doesn’t need luck. He has percocets! (as well as a loving wife and personnal physician)

    Happy Birthday Tova!! (can’t wait to know what happens at 11)

    Comment by Dr. J on April 29, 2008
  8. Y’all need one of these:

    Prayers the hubby & the dr; prayers for your wrist!

    Cristan’s last blog post..Hey, hey, hey (read in a Fat Albert voice)

    Comment by Cristan on April 29, 2008
  9. hope the surgery goes well and that he doesn’t have any more hockey injuries.

    Comment by LAVENDULA on April 29, 2008
  10. Good luck Gabe/Giblet/Gav…!!!

    Umm…how long did you nurse your kids for? I nursed each of mine for a year and my tata’s have gone bye bye…and I had a decent set to start with…
    so unfair…

    Comment by Christine on April 29, 2008
  11. You guys are BUSTED! I’ll keep your husband in my prayers today for a safe surgery and a quick and total recovery.
    Happy birthday to your best friend!

    Rebecca’s last blog post..Oh Boy

    Comment by Rebecca on April 29, 2008
  12. has anyone suggested a cortisone injection? it helped mine a lot.

    Becca’s last blog post..Weekend Roundup

    Comment by Becca on April 29, 2008
  13. I hope your husbands surgery goes well.


    Comment by Keri on April 29, 2008
  14. I hope it goes smoothly!!! As for you, you need relief too! I wish I knew how to help.

    Miss’s last blog post..45 more

    Comment by Miss on April 29, 2008
  15. You both don’t have a lot of luck with your hands, do you.

    Is there a cure for your pain? Best wishes to your husband!

    Nadine’s last blog post..Just a thought

    Comment by Nadine on April 29, 2008
  16. I hope everything goes well today.

    I’m very close to Florida and I’m jealous too.

    Queen of Shake Shake’s last blog post..A Well-Lived Life

    Comment by Queen of Shake Shake on April 29, 2008
  17. Thank you for showing us the gnarly hand stitches AGAIN!!! 😉


    When is your arm going to get better. how long are they giving it already!?

    Happy birthday, TOVA!

    Haley-O’s last blog post..Flying by the Seat of My Pants No More

    Comment by Haley-O on April 29, 2008
  18. I hope his surgery goes well. I’ve had a bad left wrist for a few years now and just recently my right one has begun to present me with sharp stabby pains.

    It pisses me off that it hurts the worst when I’m bouncing my daughter.

    Backpacking Dad’s last blog post..The Year-Long Weekend

    Comment by Backpacking Dad on April 29, 2008
  19. Good luck to hubby with the hand docs. Tendonitis sux. Having a fair share of broken stuff and a coupla bouts with tendonitis, my sympathies are mostly with you. Much worse than just a broken bone or two.

    Mike S’s last blog post..Spring Memories

    Comment by Mike S on April 29, 2008
  20. Gosh! Thinking of you guys!!!

    Multi-Tasking Mommy’s last blog post..Oh the rain…

    Comment by Multi-Tasking Mommy on April 29, 2008
  21. I’m so insanely jealous of the percocet!

    Chantal’s last blog post..Bullety, Edition 29; Reader

    Comment by Chantal on April 30, 2008
  22. What a great picture! Are you sure y’all don’t work at Seattle Grace?

    Di’s last blog post..Risotto with Edamame

    Comment by Di on April 30, 2008
  23. That’s a crazy scar! Hoping both of you are healed soon!

    PS. I love the name Tova.

    180/360’s last blog post..Grounded by the big, blue sky

    Comment by 180/360 on April 30, 2008

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