food poisoning.
a nice little bonus summer activity i can now cross off my list. i still feel like crap, but the chills/sweats/chills/sweats fever is gone so i’m back at work. i pretty much slept straight from 10:30 yesterday morning until 6:30 this morning, waking only to tell the husband, twitter and Tova how awful i felt. (and she left a care package on my porch that i discovered this morning. some gatorade and some upset-stomach friendly foods. i am touched. that might be the best gift i’ve ever gotten)
i did find myself a 3-pound silver lining, though.
(dear scale, good morning. i love you today! love, ali)
and if any one of you fuckers wants to give me the speech about how that three pounds will just pile back on once i start eating properly again, you’ll be getting a stab in the throat. let me have something please!
the kids are cheeseheading it up at my mom’s place in Wisconsin
and have already exhausted my mom. my stepdad. my brother. they have done the state fair, a discovery museum, they’ve gone boating on my parents’ lake, and have visited toys r us more times that i they care to count.
(ps. am crying about Brett Favre. how can he possibly play anywhere but Green Bay? it’s total sacrilege)
so…seeing as how i’m beginning to feel a little bit better…and i still have FIVE days alone… (better make it four, still feeling a little woozy today) i ask you..
i’m just so used to my glamorous life of the work thing, the running errands thing, the dinner thing, the homework thing, the breaking up a million and one fights thing, the bedtime thing, and then the collapse-because-i’m-so-tired thing in front of Six Feet Under thing.
i don’t know how to do the single girl in the city thing…and even though we were going to take pictures on MyLittlePony parker’s front steps, if you haven’t noticed, i’m NO Carrie Bradshaw.
ps. please don’t tell me to sit around and watch TLC all day, because seriously, in New York, Charna, Joe, and i sat glued to the tv watching this episode about a primordial dwarf and we.couldn’t.turn.away. it was the saddest and most fascinating thing i have seen in a long time.