April 11 07

let’s just say for the sake of saying that you know someone who kinda sorta maybe has some eating issues.

and this person who you know is afraid of certain foods…that they might…you know poison her or give her salmonella or botulism (although i think this is for babies, right? from honey? come on…we all saw that ER episode) or e.coli.

this person washes her veggies with

and cleans her kitchen counters with

and is a big fan of

and smells her milk every time she opens and it and absolutely, under no circumstances, will she drink said milk on the expiration date. she also will not finish a container of milk…because someone about the bottom of the container just doesn’t feel right.

so…let’s say that this person bought a little single serving sized container of cream cheese. from a metal container on the counter of the cafeteria at work. and this metal container was NOT refrigerated. it was just sitting out on the counter. and the little package of cream cheese was not even remotely cold. or even cool, for that matter.

now, this girl that you know is a smart cookie. she didn’t even need to read the giant red label that said ‘keep refrigerated’ to know that cream cheese belongs in the fridge. it’s a dairy product. and one that spoils quickly.

what’s the consensus? safe to eat? or not safe to eat?

and what do you think that i that she did?

don’t forget to vote!!


American Idol snarking is back, baby!!

Latin night was seriously lame, y’all. seriously…stay away from Gloria Estefan….for the sake of all that’s holy in this world…and in this competition. surely there are other Latin artists…no? no one sang “she bangs” – i would have LOVED to have seen that. William Hung instead of JLo. he. also…no “taco flavored kisses”? that’s the best Latin song around.

the good:

Blake sings “i need to know” mmm. Blake. he’s truly the only one with the entire package. decent voice. decent looks. decent moves. totally marketable. i’m thinking he should win.

Jordin sings “rhythm is gonna get you” or maybe she should win. she needs a little bit more life. but otherwise…she’s awesome.

Melinda sings “Sway” i really love this song…and adore the way she sings. she just looks soooo darn old to me.

the meh:

Chris sings “Smooth” not as nasal as usual; also not as good as usual.

Lakisha sings “Conga” while i appreciate Lakisha going out of her comfort zone (and her comfort clothing…seriously…i love the girl but she was doing all kinds of busting out of the back of that dress)…but i prefer her belting out with her big ‘ole voice than dancing around.

Sanjaya sings “besame mucho” if we let you bring the mohawk back, will you please shave that scruff off your face? it totally skeeves me out. his voice was almost enjoyable. did i seriously just write that?????

the bad:

Haley sings “turn the beat around” buh bye, Haley. it’s been swell staring at your shiny face and long legs. the see-through shirts and the hot pants will only get you so far “at this stage in the competition” (this is where everyone takes a shot….AI drinking game, anyone?)

Phil sings “Maria, Maria” crackity, crack, crack. the little simon cow quip was not enough to keep you and your dopey ears in. your days are numbered my friend. at least there was no bizarro-sweat this week.

  1. hmmm…I’m surprised “said person” even purchased the cream cheese in question. I would not have bought it much less eaten it!
    I just bought a bunch of this and highly, highly recommend it:

    I have a tube in the diaper bag, my gym bag, on the kitchen counter, one in the basement and one upstairs. Keeps my hands sanitized without my knuckles drying out and cracking.

    Comment by Christine on April 11, 2007
  2. Geez, are you sure you weren’t talking about me there????

    I would have totally stayed away from that cream cheese!

    Comment by Multi-tasking Mommy on April 11, 2007
  3. I too thought you were talking about my wife…

    But I’m betting you didn’t eat the cream cheese either. Even I wouldn’t buy a non-refrigerated dairy product, and I’m not that weird about stuff like that.

    Comment by SciFi Dad on April 11, 2007
  4. Ohhhh … you people with food issues.
    My guess is that you ate it because you were really hungry and it looked really good.
    I don’t like cream cheese that much – but if I really wanted it I think I would have risked it.
    I’ve seriously discovered that it’s not the stuff that you think would give you food poisoning that does – it’s the stuff that you least expect that kills you.

    Comment by Laural on April 11, 2007
  5. Eh, toss the cream cheese. Otherwise if you eat it, you’ll worry all day.
    I was shocked that Sanjaya was bearable – almost enjoyable! SANJAYA! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD? And yes, Blake is excellent.

    Comment by Rebecca on April 11, 2007
  6. Eh, toss the cream cheese. Otherwise if you eat it, you’ll worry all day.
    I was shocked that Sanjaya was bearable – almost enjoyable! SANJAYA! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD? And yes, Blake is excellent.

    Comment by Rebecca on April 11, 2007
  7. She didn’t eat it, because she saw that Dr. Phil episode from the other day with the germ-o-phobe mom.

    Comment by Stacy on April 11, 2007
  8. Isn’t it weird that I’D probably eat it, even now?? I think it can sit out for a while…. You sooo didn’t eat it! 😉

    Jordin ALL THE WAY.

    Did Randy say “Check it”? What happened to “checkitout checkitout”? He must be reading my blog…. 😉

    Comment by Haley-O on April 11, 2007
  9. dump the cream cheese, but maybe see a psychiatrist.

    I voted

    No, haley is the only reason i even pay attention. And you’re right, melinda seems ancient to me, which is why she thrives on songs before 1960

    Comment by Sparky Duck on April 11, 2007
  10. Oh break my heart. The only two I missed were Jordan and Blake (my two fav’s) because I had to rock baby to sleep. With you on Blake winning. MMmm is right.

    Comment by Jamie on April 11, 2007
  11. I’m raising an eyebrow over the cream cheese issue, because I’ve never had dairyphobia. That’s just strange! Unrelated? How much do I have to sign up for to vote for you, because I totally fear signing up for internet related things with all the spam and the “Start SaTISfying Yer WOMAN, ANNENAHM!” emails. Can I just sign in under a throw-away, or do they have to know its me for some reason?

    a wee bit crazy about internet germs.

    Comment by anne nahm on April 11, 2007
  12. is it bad that i’m totally noticing the new picture with the cute hat more than any of the stuff you were writing about?

    also, to anyone non-ali reading this comment, you should check out my blog and consider voting for me too! because i don’t have any overlap with ali! 🙂 (yeah, i’m shameless too. i’ve accepted it.)

    Comment by lara on April 11, 2007
  13. You and my husband would get along famously in the kitchen. Me… I’d eat the cream cheese.

    Comment by LoriD on April 11, 2007
  14. Not safe to eat.

    I voted for you. 🙂

    Comment by mamatulip on April 11, 2007
  15. you didn’t. Did you? Did you actually eat it?

    oh my gawd. I need to know.

    Please don’t use all that spray on your counters…um….read somewhere it is carcinogenic…

    Comment by crazymumma on April 11, 2007
  16. DO NOT EAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by Fenicle on April 11, 2007
  17. Bah… isn’t cream cheese so over-processed that there is no way you could catch anything from it?

    Comment by LaLa on April 12, 2007
  18. NOOOO on the cream cheese. Someone sounds too much like me!

    Your AI comments sound just like mine, too! Hey, wait a minute… LOL

    Comment by Kristi on April 12, 2007
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