With the exception of the first year of each of their lives (YES! My babies were sleeping through the night at 6 weeks!), my children do not like to sleep. None of them. On any given midnight, I can find Joshua up reading books or Emily up making friendship bracelets or playing Words with Friends. And now, Isabella has joined the insomnia party. Fantastic. She fights going to sleep every.single.night. She comes in and out of her room at least 87 times requesting more drinks and to use my potty and to have her toenails cut. And then she’s up all night. 1am. 2am. 3am.
And this isn’t the first time she’s done this either.
And back then, it turned out there was a humpty dumpty situation. YES. My child was afraid of humpty dumpty. So, clearly I should have known that these past few days of the repetitive
“My hallway is scary.”
“There are monsters in my bathroom.”
“Take all the dolls out of my room.”
at bedtime should have sent some sort of signal to my overtired pea brain.
Finally, I decided to investigate.
I mean sure, it looks like a harmless bathroom, doesn’t it?
Nothing to be afraid of, right?
Until I discovered two things.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Now, I cannot be 100% certain it is THIS doll, because there are about 15 living in the closet near her bathroom. But one of them, I shit you not, TALKS TO YOU WHEN YOU WALK BY THE CLOSET OH MY GOD. Seriously, I wish I was kidding here. When you walk past the closet, something sets it off and it starts making noises. And since there must be a battery dying in it (fingers crossed), the sound is very slow and, well, demonic sounding. Cue the paranormal music now.
Now, I also cannot be certain that Isabella – Or I, for that matter – will ever sleep again.