way back last week, before my nanny quit and life got flipped turned upside-down, i told you some things that may or may not be true. and i still owe you some answers.
3. i cannot sleep in socks. or with a blanket. or even with a pillow. and i can only sleep in a tanktop and shorts – no pajamas for me. i like for nothing to be touching me while i’m sleeping, including my husband.
this is false.
i sleep in socks. every night. well, i fall asleep in socks. i usually find them on the floor beside my bed in the morning. i must have a blanket on me when i sleep. and it must be pulled all the way up to my ears. and i have about three pillows. and i can only sleep in pants and a t-shirt. my legs need to be completely covered. my god, i’m a superfreak.
so, congrats to SciFiDad, sam, Rebecca, Haley-O, Vaguely Urban, loren, AndreAnna for guessing that #3 is false.
Things have been going great with Nanny Heidi. She’s supersweet and hasn’t quit yet, even though the girl and the boy have been total beasts all week. seriously, my kids pulled out the big guns for this one. screaming, fighting, breaking things, not listening. it’s been a real pleasure, let me tell you.
please keep your fingers crossed that Heidi’s the one. i mean, i haven’t seen her bending any spoons with her eyes, but i have a good feeling about her.
thanks so much for all of your support during nannygate. you guys are all fantastic. and i think this calls for a giant blogger make-out session. with tongue. who’s in?
i bet i know one person who’d be game…my good friend – both online and in real life – miss haley-o. seriously, folks, this pregnancy has brought out all sorts of things in her. the glow. the giddiness. the burps. and the horniness. you should have seen us last night at our urbanmoms.ca girls night. Haley can’t talk to the waiter (“um…i like broccoli!”). Haley gets the giggles, Jen gets the giggles, Ali gets the giggles. Haley starts crying. Ali’s face hurts from laughing so much. lather, rinse, repeat. all night.
personally, he’s not really my type.
but we all got a good laugh about it. and we couldn’t stop laughing. all night.
the picture of us came out nicely…even if you can see half my boob. come head on over to fabulous to check out the rest of the pics.