Monthly Archives: February 2014

A Hospital-Corner Kind of Happy

I recently started making my bed every day. I don’t know why I never did this before. I can’t really even quantify to you how much satisfaction this 5-7-minute activity leaves me with. Also, it makes me feel like an adult, in the same way consistent flossing does. Like, it…

Psst…Wanna See A Picture Of Me In A Victoria’s Secret Change Room?

I think the -14 degree air has given me brain freeze. Or something. Because somehow I found myself in a dress and bare legs trying not to slip and slide down my sheet ice of a driveway to get into my heatless van (No really, the heat is actually broken…

On Jury Duty And The Soundtrack Of Your Life

Hey, you know what a control freak work-at-home mom who doesn’t get paid vacation days and who doesn’t like change in routine loves? Let me tell you, then. Jury Duty. The day after the kids go back to school after March break. I see that March is going to be a…