December 18, 2012 – 9:47 am
Over the last few months, I have talked to you about the importance of play and the importance of a really special organization called Right To Play. I talked about big life AHA! moments and I have sung the praises of the best teammate a girl could ask for—Olympic gold…
November 28, 2012 – 9:15 am
We often have these AHA! moments in life. I had one recently while at the Zareinu fashion show last week and I had one several weeks ago, just after I had signed up to participate as a parent ambassador in Right To Play’s Level The Field Program. We were on…
November 12, 2012 – 6:48 pm
We are a big gaming family. We play because it’s fun, of course. But there are so many other benefits that come from playing together as a family. In fact, according to the Canadian Council on Learning, play nourishes every aspect of children’s development – it forms the foundation of…