Monthly Archives: December 2012

Resolve 2013: A Tale of Twelve Lofty Goals

I have high hopes for 2013. First on the agenda is to see the second half of Les Miserables. There pre-ordered tickets, masses of popcorn, and in-my-head singing in my future. All was lovely in the world. Until it wasn’t. The stomach gnomes attacked and I took out the first…

Personal Questions About Roast Beef: A Conversation Gone Very, Very Bad

Her: Have you ever had herpes? Me: Herpes??? Her: Yeah, uh huh. Me: Like…on my vagina? Her: WHAT? I don’t know what kind of kink you’re into.. Me: WHAT? Her: WHAT? Me: Wait…what are you talking about? Her: What are YOU talking about? Me: Herpes? Her: Arby’s? Me: I swear…

Here’s to a Vomit-free, Epipen-free, Nosebleed-free, Flu-free Thursday, Yo

This week is…strange. We have had this nasty flu bug (real flu, not stomach flu. The kind that sends you to bed for a week and required tamiflu) that has kept my brother and his entire family from coming to Atlanta and if you know me and babies, you know…