This week is…strange.
We have had this nasty flu bug (real flu, not stomach flu. The kind that sends you to bed for a week and required tamiflu) that has kept my brother and his entire family from coming to Atlanta and if you know me and babies, you know that I was planning to hold on to my niece Emma Grace for an entire week straight and now she’s not here so I am spending a lot of time with my sister’s cat who has to be quarantined in one of the upstairs bedrooms on account of the shih tzu and golden retriever who are way too interested in having a piece of the poor cat for lunch and while it’s super nice that the cat is just that into me, he’s really no replacement for a baby niece. I mean, dude licks himself clean.
See, I told you.
We have also had a moment of “Daddy, she chucked it up” which, really, we are unsurprised about on account of all the meals that are filled with things like popcorn and candy and five different kinds of cake and pie and more candy and bowls full of Hershey kisses and pop and everything and anything smothered in gravy. I’m actually kind of surprised that there was only one vomit-y moment. We have also had a floor-covering nosebleed (White carpet, yay!) and a bit of anaphylaxis.
But, you know, nothing says Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays like some good old-fashioned throat-closing.
Note to self: Don’t be a dumbass and always ask questions before eating foods you might be allergic to.
I’m fine, you guys.
I wasn’t all that fine yesterday while it was happening and I freaked out on my amazing sister a little bit when she turned into a fast food restaurant and I was all, “YOU CAN’T BUY BENEDRYL AT A FAST FOOD RESTAURANT!” when she was turning around to get to Walgreens. Thankfully, the situation involved only peanuts (of which I’m only slightly allergic) and not tree nuts (of which I am severely allergic) so I had some lip tingling and throat swelling and difficulty breathing, but I am now okay and my sister didn’t have to perform any Mia Wallace-type I said hot damn epipen shooting into me.
But here’s the thing. It can only get better from here, right?
I mean, as it is, I’m here in Atlanta surrounded by some people who I really love.
I’m spending a lot of time in my jammies
(See? Wonderful, wonderful jammies!)
eating delicious (nut-free!) food and playing a lot of Ticket to Ride and Settlers of Catan and I scored a really awesome fair isle sweater at J.Crew with an extra 30% off on Boxing Day and watching my daughter fall head-over-heels in love with her brand-new American Girl Doll Rebecca.
Oh yes we did.
Matching jammies, OH MY GOD HOLD ME.
So, here’s to a vomit-free, epipen-free, nosebleed-free, flu-free Thursday, yo.
(It’s Thursday, right?)