Monthly Archives: September 2012

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Yom Kippur is long. 25 hours filled with prayer and introspection. 25 hours filled with a lot of sitting and standing in synagogue. 25 hours filled with not eating or drinking, not wearing leather shoes, not wearing perfume. From sundown to sundown Jews have this one day a year, this…


I guess tonight is a good night for Yom Kippur, since I will probably need to atone for the copious amount of expletives I used while watching last night’s Packers game. I don’t even, you guys. My lovely friend Jen—the sensible one—said that we need to get over it, and…


Sundays, typically, are formulaic around here. The formula = complete and total chaos. Whereas Saturdays tend to be more laid back and filled with seeing friends and sleeping in—at least a little bit—Sundays tend to be an up-and-at-’em, go-getter, daylight-wasted-is-gone-forever type of day. One of us is up early to…