Monthly Archives: April 2012

Why I Don’t Wear Beige Undergarments

I’m—mostly—okay with my old lady tendencies. Other than the poor circulation part—I could do without the constant cold extremities part of basically being a senior citizen. I mean, think about it. I eat dinner at 5:30pm, you guys. Early-bird special? Don’t mind if I do! I yell at no one in…

Love Love Love

Honestly with the snow. REALLY? Snow. On April 27th. The funny thing is that this really should not surprise a single person who lives in the GTA. It’s always cold in April. Always. It’s around this time every year where complaints start coming in on Twitter to the tune of…

The Forgotten Garden = FORGETTABLE

The English Patient. It that book. That one book that I just cannot bring myself to finish. I have tried—many times, too many to count, even. The writing is lovely and lyrical, sure, but, well, every time I sit down with the book in hands, it’s like suddenly I’m Elaine…