Monthly Archives: February 2010

Big Fat Chicken.

In exactly one day, I will be putting my firstborn on an airplane and I will not see her for 16 days. Not only that, I am sending her halfway across the world so she can be in Israel for her oldest cousin’s Bar Mitzvah. The problem is that I…

Read My Lips.

Apparently, word on the street – and all over your facebook pages – is that it’s what-celebrity-do-YOU-look-like week, also known as doppleganger week. But, um, I have some issues with that word (of course I do)(newsflash: I am troubled). Fancy. Everyone seems to be lemming it up and jumping on…

The One Where I am Sick. (oh, this is an exciting one, let me tell you)

If you didn’t know any better, you might think that some sort of natural disaster hit the top floor of casa de Martell this week. Tornado, most likely. There are three hampers and 17 piles of laundry scattered across three bedrooms and a hallway. They are all clean, mind you,…