Monthly Archives: February 2010

Morning: A Portrait

While my first-born is off in the holy land doing important things like climbing Masada with her cousins and eating shawarma the size of her head… I thought I’d give you a little taste of what WE, at home, are doing as she’s climbing a fortress: 6:45. Alarm goes off….

Princess of Egypt

At least three of four times a night, I hear the pitter-patter of Bella footsteps. She is very sneaky and climbs up at the end of the bed and shimmies her way up to snuggle beside me and whispers sweet nothings in my ear. “When I wake up can we…

I Guess I’m…A Bad Nut?

Squirrels in Canada Ontario Toronto are black. I realize this is not earth shattering news. But let me just tell you that when you are American and you are used to the garden variety gray ones (you know, the ones who are actually afraid of people), when you are fairly…