Monthly Archives: November 2009

That Time Albert Einstein Flossed…

I am going to attempt to work through my list of ridiculously important things to tell the internets, mostly because you don’t really want to hear about my weekend of lying around in my pajamas, drinking coffee and eating donuts (4.5 total, but who’s counting really?!)(well, besides Mr. Jones the…

A Fictional Five…or Something Like It…

When I take the heavy nighttime drugs, my dreams tend to look something like a Yo Gabba Gabba/Death to Smoochy hybrid, where weird things happen like Donny Osmond and I are in monkey suits and then all of his teeth fall out and while I try to catch them, giant…

I AM MARIO. Watch me plunge.

I guess it’s safe to say that you can add THE NAP to things of which I am a huge fan. I have been bitching about fighting whatever this sickness is that has no name other than plague. Because, well, the symptoms are kind of ridiculous. It’s not quite swine…