Monthly Archives: October 2009

alimartell’s day off. again. who is wearing their ‘save ali’ shirts?

So, somehow, even though my kids have pretty much had the entire month off for various Jewish High Holidays and for various jewish high holiday eves and jewish high holiday morning-afters, they are off tomorrow again. Parent/teacher conferences. oh goodie. I actually am looking forward to speaking to their teachers….

why I should never be left alone to my own devices; a play in two parts.

part 1 was where I was drying my hair in the bathroom and wondering if my iron was actually, um, on which, of course, was ridiculous because I could see that the red light was on, but for some reason I didn’t trust it (conspiracy!) so I  put my entire…

sleeping sickness*

I should have known back when the kids were babies. I just should have known. They were such good sleepers. I mean, for a little perspective, I will tell you this. All three of the kids were sleeping through the night by 8 weeks. I was given a lovely 12-6am…