Monthly Archives: October 2009

Alimartell takes Manhattan. which is just like the Muppet movie, only with less singing.

I am sitting in a hotel room in NYC (without wi-fi. again. seriously, Sheraton New York, you have really dropped the ball. I wonder if the Sheraton Manhattan, which is, curiously, right across the street, has wi-fi) watching Mike Rowe on tv and totally understanding now. TOTALLY, jenBshaw. I am…

Just Smile and Wave

Well, I am officially in Boston with the Aiming Low girls and HP. and *sigh* I am kind of all upset that I chose to NOT go to college in Boston because ohmigod, this city is so lovely. and tomorrow we get to go do all this fun stuff at…

Just another old yeller…

I feel like absolute crap after I yell at my kids. I spent a good portion of my childhood being yelled at. It was my mother’s go-to place. Always. Well, except for that one time that my sister and I were playing in the kitchen while she was making pancakes…