Monthly Archives: September 2009

I’m not prepared.

They really just don’t prepare you. You bring home a puppy and he’s just fantastic. He fits your family like a glove and becomes part of you instantly. He lies on top of Isabella and kisses her all over her face and loves on her because she is clearly his…

Incidents. the corn dog one. and the accidental nudity one.

Josh lost two teeth in the same day. He is now toothless and lisping, but also ten dollars richer. The first one popped out due to a certain corn dog incident and the second was just a ploy to keep us home because he was all anti-babysitter that night. unfortunately…

this really wasn’t supposed to be about wiener

This morning in the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru I got a small coffee instead of my usual medium (which, by the way, why is everything in the states totally supersized? a medium coffee at DD is significantly bigger than a LARGE at Tim Horton’s. and the large at DD is, well,…