Josh lost two teeth in the same day. He is now toothless and lisping, but also ten dollars richer. The first one popped out due to a certain corn dog incident and the second was just a ploy to keep us home
because he was all anti-babysitter that night. unfortunately for him, extra holes in his face were not going to keep me home. I was all pro-babysitter. My sister and my brother in law were in town. and my brother and my sister in law were in town and hell if we weren’t going out to drink margaritas and eat some mexican food. And thanks to Miss Darcey, we had an excellent meal and I was introduced to the word taqueria, which, honestly, sounds more like a condition that needs treatment than a delicious eating establishment. “hey, Frank, did you hear that Alice has the taqueria?!? You better steer clear of her for a while.”
Which, sadly, is how my cleaning lady looked at me this morning when she walked in the house. Like I had some condition. This, of course, was due to a certain nudity incident on Thursday.
It started innocently enough. Everyone was out; I had the house to myself. I was taking a lovely mid-day shower (whee! WAHM bonus) and realized that I hadn’t gotten any towels. So, I – nakedly – trotted out into the hallway to grab two when I came face-to-face with Delicia the cleaning lady, putting the clean towels away.
and then I died. and ran back into the room. and didn’t leave for the rest of the day.
my sister thinks it all sounds very porn movie-esque. this is because she wasn’t the one caught parading down the hallway in her not-all-that-lovely birthday suit. and now, seeing Delicia and the other cleaning lady talking and whispering in Spanish is even worse than when the manicurists talk in korean while you are sitting right in front of them, even if Elaine Benes might disagree. Because when they are gawking and smiling and whispering and laughing…you know they are all “hahah! treinta y dos B!”
I never in my life needed a fantasy vest as badly as I needed one on Thursday…
and yes, I *DO* realize that fantasy vest definitely sounds porn movie-esque.