Monthly Archives: September 2009

visitors and cutlery

Yesterday, while having lunch at The Flying Biscuit with the lovely, lovely Kristin of Camels and Chocolate and her Mom (who, ps, is a sly one; she paid for my lunch without me even noticing. of course, that did mean that I didn’t even get a chance to thank her)…

I guess they are all ready for next year’s atoning.

Well, just like every year, I have had, oh, um, three fully caffeinated beverages since the Yom Kippur fast ended. and usually, after appeasing the caffeine gods, I spend the remainder of my night – and early into the next morning – appeasing the insomnia gods. But not this year….

confession #527

There is no confession booth in Judaism. There are no acts of contrition, no penance, no “it has been ____ since my last confession” (do Catholics even do this? I mean, you know, the big screen tells me they do, but, then again, the big screen tells people about Jews…