Yesterday, while having lunch at The Flying Biscuit with the lovely, lovely Kristin of Camels and Chocolate and her Mom (who, ps, is a sly one; she paid for my lunch without me even noticing. of course, that did mean that I didn’t even get a chance to thank her)
this happened:
Me: Can we please get some cutlery?
Waitress: some what?
Me: Cutlery?
Waitress: what’s that?
Me: really? cutlery? like, um, silverware?
Waitress: oh, silverware. hrm..I’ve never heard that word before. cullery? like that food word, culliner?
Me: no, it’s actually cut-ler-y
Waitress: cuttery?
Me: forget it. I’m Canadian.
Now, I KNOW that you don’t have to be Canadian to know what cutlery is, right? right?
I mean, I realize that I only used a coffeemaker for the first time in my life this morning (but, just so you know…the coffee was full of delicious goodness and I will be making my own coffee daily and totally saving my $2-4 every day so I can replace my shitty laptop that breaks 17 times daily and doesn’t let me have internet access unless I am sitting atop the kitchen counter, which, let me tell you, is not the most comfortable way to spend a work day. I don’t even want to think about how days it’ll take me to save my pennies to buy a macbook) and I have never used an iron, but, my god, cutlery? How can you not know this word? wow. I just…wow.
Apparently, this was the weekend of Kristins…because this one came to see me too. Well, technically, she came to see a football game, but I did get to spend some time with her. and she’s kind of part of my family. anyone who is willing to drive to Milwaukee to spend shabbat with me and my mother and my crazy kids (even if she does get to meet the mayor) deserves some sort of medal. Also, Kristin is the kind who will play hours of spit with Emily, even though she sometimes cheats, and read books like this one
several hundred times
We – in addition to driving around the city in search of Chick-fil-a and driving lots of carpool – DID get to do something that wasn’t all that family-oriented. We got to go to a press and sponsor party for the Atlanta Castleberry Hill Loft Tour which was ridiculously fun, albeit slightly shweaty, and we got to meet Mychael Knight (Project Runway, people!) Mychael was lucky enough to have a sweat handler. I swear – – – right before we took the photo, this lady appeared out of nowhere to wipe the sweat from his brow. The two of us were not as lucky…
(I totally stole this picture from Kristin) (totally)
I think I might need to stay in Atlanta permanently…no one ever came to visit Toronto!