Monthly Archives: July 2009

I think the cottage-like air is getting to me. or maybe it’s the caribou coffee.

Well, my smartphone isn’t really as smart as they had promised at the AT&T store…since in the getting-myself-set-up process, I managed to lose 100 emails or so. AND they didn’t make book on their $99 iphone upgrade (well, not until NOVEMBER which seems like an entire lifetime away) so I…

leg one of journey. complete.

wow. I never thought I’d say that the hardest part about moving to a new country is losing my internet connection for 4 days. Okay, I lie. It’s the second hardest part. The hardest part was having Miss Nessa (the almost six-year-old daughter of our very best friends) tell me…

itch. scratch.

My last day of work at the office was on Tuesday. (FREELANCE) (ZOMG) and I was spiraled into this alternate universe since. I had all these plans for what I was going to do with my 6 fun-filled days before I up and take the kids on leg 1 of…