July 15 09

Well, my smartphone isn’t really as smart as they had promised at the AT&T store…since in the getting-myself-set-up process, I managed to lose 100 emails or so. AND they didn’t make book on their $99 iphone upgrade (well, not until NOVEMBER which seems like an entire lifetime away) so I am using a blackjack, about which, seriously, I am NOT going to complain, because it means I can unlimitedly (which totally isn’t a word, but should be, because it’s perfect) text and read my emails and actually GET messages on my phone for the first time, um, ever. so, there’s that. and there’s the 8gb memory card thing I have so I can put music on it so now I am no longer kicking myself for selling my ipod touch to my friend Kyle. I mean, it’s no iphone. NO. but it’s SOMETHING (and it’s free. so, there’s no kicking that whole gift horse in the mouth thing. which, my god, where in the hell did THAT phrase come from? did people once give horses as gifts? did people KICK them? in the mouths? huh?) ***GUESS WHAT EVERYONE? SINCE SEVENTEEN OF YOU HAVE TOLD ME THAT IT’S LOOK A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH AND NOT KICK, YOU CAN ALL STOP TELLING ME NOW. I GET IT!!

So, it’s a good thing I have brought my kids here because at the home of everything-is-packed-away-in-boxes, they were resorting to using gift bags as toys.


but at least we gave her some holes for ease-of-movement and, you know, that whole breathing thing…

and they were resorting to painting themselves blue.


Holy Tobias Funke, they’ve just blued themselves…



So, I have brought them home. to the place where my parents live all year long. which is the kind of place that people rent in the summer. the kind of place I am starting to envy; starting to wish I lived in. with the giant lawns and sprawling greenery and friendly people and American flags and a town square where there are nightly performances and children playing in the street. IN THE STREET! to a place where I am sending my children to the same day camp I went to when I was their ages, in the building where I went to school. and even though Thomas Wolfe says You Can’t Go Home Again…I think he might be wrong.


or maybe it’s just the cottage-like air getting to me.

**also, I know I have confused some of you…but this is my MOM’S house in Wisconsin. We are here, sans husband, for two weeks before we head down to Atlanta to my DAD’S.

  1. When is the Arrested Dev movie out already?????

    and Bella rocks the sponge bob look. just saying.

    Comment by Giblet on July 15, 2009
  2. The newest members of The Blue Man Group. Awesome. Also, she could be a robot with the gift bag over head like that.

    Comment by Crystal on July 15, 2009
  3. I actually think the saying is “Look a gift horse in the mouth.” And comes because if you look in a horses mouth you can tell its age, so it would be considered rude to check a horses age in front of the giver… If you really wanted to know. Or you could just kick the horse and wonder why…

    Comment by Laura Williams on July 15, 2009
  4. Haha I second Laura on the definition of looking/kicking a gift horse in the mouth.

    And also, as I am searching myself for a new place to live, I am beginning to realize that NOT everyone plays in the streets and socializes with the neighbors in the street after a thunderstorm to make sure everyone is ok.

    And also, I love that blue dress. Adorable! Does it come in my size?

    Comment by ClassyFabSarah on July 15, 2009
  5. Canada misses you. Hope you’re getting some sweet family time tho – that place is purty.

    Comment by Karen Sugarpants on July 15, 2009
  6. hey! thats my pond! nowadays living there seems really enticing but at the time it just seemed really boring…
    .-= Shosh´s last blog ..milestones =-.

    Comment by Shosh on July 15, 2009
  7. So, I might just steal Isabella and take her back with me, by the way. Does she like cats?

    Comment by Kristabella on July 15, 2009
  8. I love that your kids are so resourceful. At that age I probably would have gotten bored and stuffed my brother in the bag.

    Comment by MonsteRawr on July 15, 2009
  9. sounds like this will be a great year.

    Comment by Chantal on July 15, 2009
  10. Wow! It’s beautiful there! Is THAT where you’re living all year? SWEET!

    Look how big Bella’s getting! Beautiful like her mama and sister!

    Comment by Haley-O on July 15, 2009
  11. no no no. this is my mom’s house in Wisconsin. we are here for 2 weeks (leg one of trip) and then off to Atlanta, do my dad’s.

    Comment by ali on July 15, 2009
  12. Oh, Ali. That last photo made me gasp.

    It sounds like all sorts of wonderful.

    Comment by Angella on July 15, 2009
  13. Yeah, it’s LOOK a gift horse in the mouth. Not kick. tee-hee

    Comment by kara on July 16, 2009
  14. that looks like a great place to be! oh, and november is not that far away… trust me I know… my baby will be turning 2. it’ll be here before we know it.

    Comment by rayli on July 16, 2009
  15. Yeah, but you know how it is in those small towns. There’s nothing to do but drink and fuck. The big cities are the best.

    Comment by Avitable on July 16, 2009
  16. wow .. your parents live there year-round? it’s lovely – no snow right?
    btw .. you know where the saying comes from right? (gift horse mouth?)

    Comment by Sarah on July 16, 2009
  17. Wow. When can I come visit?

    Comment by mamatulip on July 16, 2009
  18. That looks just like my husband’s cousin’s place in Michigan. Nice!
    .-= agentninety9´s last blog ..Purple Lupines =-.

    Comment by agentninety9 on July 16, 2009
  19. I totally just choked at the Tobias Funke reference. Oh that episode is my favorite and the pictures here are incredible.

    Comment by kirida on July 16, 2009
  20. Loved Atlanta, and kinda miss it sometimes.

    Comment by The Urban Cowboy on July 16, 2009
  21. wow Ali it looks so beautiful there!…bella is so sweet and how did she manage to keep her dress that clean while finger/hand painting?

    Comment by LAVENDULA on July 16, 2009
  22. Those kids are so precious! But I agree, at that age, I would likely be trying to put my sister in the gift bag and then carrying her around in it… until one of the handles breaks, she cries and I get in trouble.

    Comment by Darcey on July 16, 2009
  23. What a beautiful home! Can i move in? I do like cheese.

    cant wait to “meet you” next week!
    .-= Maya´s last blog ..I’m a Friend of Maddie =-.

    Comment by Maya on July 16, 2009
  24. Did you live on the same lake as Chucky? I have fond memories of that place ! That and the A&W foats we would get on the way up there!

    Comment by Gila on July 16, 2009
  25. ah… To have it all.

    Comment by get ex back on July 16, 2009
  26. I totally know what you mean about wanting your kids to have what you grew up with. I’m starting to miss my hometown, but could never ACTUALLY imagine living there again. Grass is always greener…

    Comment by Sarah on July 22, 2009

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