My last day of work at the office was on Tuesday. (FREELANCE) (ZOMG) and I was spiraled into this alternate universe since. I had all these plans for what I was going to do with my 6 fun-filled days before I up and take the kids on leg 1 of our journey. I was going to work, obviously, full 8-hour days, but sprinkle them with very important pre-moving events – lunches and coffees with friends. meetings with the lovely Jen at Urbanmoms, meetings downtown with some of the lovely McDs McMoms people. a Whirlpool breakfast at Yorkville. my last baseball game of the season and wing night to say goodbye to my people. read Zombiefighter. run every day. goodbye bbq at my inlaws. dinner with the kids at my sister-in-law’s. dinner at friends. packing, packing, pack. watch Big Brother 11. buy new bras because my dog ate them. buy new shoes because my dog ate them. buy new underwear because my dog ate them. (or perhaps teach my dog to stop eating every thing I own)
and yet.
the best laid plans.
always. especially at casa de martell.
first there was the whole mess of the stress hives. apparently, that is a real thing, it’s not just some self-diagnosis that dr. google provided. (because dr. google totally told me I had lupus) (and diabetes). so, even hopped up on benedryl I was itching and scratching my swollen and hive-covered body raw. and then the hives went away. but left me with the itchiest feet, ankles and hands. so, I am now hopped up on cortisone cream. and still scratching. and I still can’t bring myself to wear shoes. brilliant.
then there was the whole mess of miss Isabella deciding to get strep. I knew. I knew that someone was going to get sick. I knew when she started complaining about the pain in her neck when swallowing (I love that kids say neck instead of throat). I knew when she started to feel warm, when she started to cling, when she started to vomit. brilliant.
then there was the whole mess of my office accidentally booting me from my remote email access, which means, essentially, that I have zero access to anything. emails, contacts, files. So, I have been reduced to emailing co-workers and begging them to send me files. brilliant.
So, instead of my great plans, I have spent a lot of time inside, watching episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba and Blue’s Clues with a very whiny Isabella, barefoot, reading Zombiefighter, eating ice cream, which ps, I have been saying for years that I don’t like ice cream because it just leaves me feeling all gross and icky and thirsty and it’s too sweet. I guess I just wasn’t eating the right ice cream, because dammit, that shit is GOOD.
This time did, however, cement my opinion that I am kind of in love with Steve from Blue’s Clues. yes, this dude.
we’ll just blame it on all the meds and the lack of sleep.
(also, it’s not like I said I was in love with Shia Labeouf) (gross)