Monthly Archives: June 2009

water progress

You can add one more thing to the big list of things I don’t like doing: GETTING WET. (no I’m not proud) I am not much for swimming. I mean, the idea of swimming to me is when I am lying out beside the pool with an ipod, a good…

things to learn to do.

Sometimes I delude myself into thinking that I know what I’m doing when it comes to my website. I’m all, “Self! wow! that button that says you are going to blogher is actually from blogher ’08. Maybe it’s time to take that down.” which, naturally, I convince myself is an…

what dinner is like…

Emily, 2nd grader, actress/singer, the Jonas brothers biggest fan, lip gloss expert: Mom, what’s a BJ? Me, choking on my dinner: a WHAT? where did you hear that??? Emily: this boy at school. Me: oh. em. gee. what did he say? Emily: he asked if me and Adam did BJ….